Return & Exchange

Can I return my product for a refund?

Absolutely! We’re committed to your satisfaction. Here’s how to return your item:

Refund Details

  • Full Refund: We’ll issue a full refund for non-personalized products within 3 business days of receiving your return.
  • Shipping Fees: Shipping fees are non-refundable.
  • Discounts: Returning part of your order may void applicable discounts.
  • Customized Products: A 50% processing fee applies to refunds for customized items.

Return Process

  1. Request: Submit your return request within 30 days of delivery here.
  2. Shipping Costs: You cover return shipping; we don’t provide pre-paid labels.
  3. Packaging: Return items in their original packaging to avoid damage.
Time Limit for Returns

You have 30 days to return items. For international customers, returns are accepted if proof of sending is provided within 30 days or 14 days after your request, whichever is later.

Defective/ Wrong Items

If you receive a defective item, please send us a photo within 14 days here or email us here. If verified, we’ll arrange a free replacement, and return shipping will be covered.

Post-30-Day Issues

We offer a 12-month warranty on all products.

Damage to Devices

Our warranty does not cover damages to devices used with our products. Normal wear and tear apply.


To return a gift, please provide the purchaser’s name and order details. Refunds will go to the original payment method.

Return Address

Please do not send items to our warehouse without confirmation. You will receive the return address after submitting your request.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us here!